วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 3 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Some Funny 50th Birthday Quotes

50. Birthday is in the life of every special because it is what we have half a milestone when we finished a half-century life on this earth to call. It is when you feel young, even though the big kid ride the bike can begin. This is the time when you look back on all the good things you have done and regret the things you never did.

Jeff Bezos started Amazon.com once said that he started amazon, because he felt that he was something to do, he shouldproud to look back, or rather, he should not regret anything done. He calls them regret minimization framework. He felt the need to minimize his regret when he got older. At 50, if you do not have much more to regret, but you should remember what happened that 5o is not the end of the journey. It is only half a milestone and you have a long way to go. When you start something new at 50, then 50 just over a year as any, and if we are in aEven more positive way, it is exactly the right age to start something big.

Do you have experience in hand, and it is something, a bright 20-year-old takes 30 years to earn. And by 50 you've tied a lot of contacts and you have given your share of favor and the time to call in those favors. It is a great feeling to get to 50 and it is an achievement itself, which should be celebrated.

This is a very special birthday, but that's a birthday present that you want, shouldnever, but if it does not come, that you have exceeded half a milestone. Here are some quotes that are, you can use in greeting cards, and congratulations. But I can not remember that when your friend turns to 50, then you will soon be 50, so choose your job well.

"Forty is the age of youth, fifty the youth of old age" ~ French proverb is "

"Nature gives you the face have at twenty, but it is up to you to merit the face you have at fifty."
~Coco Chanel

"After a 50-man, you can use it with clever words he is stupid, but you can not fool him say he is pretty."
~ EW House

"Happy 20th Birthday on your 30th birthday!"
~ A cute saying

"50 years: The older you are, the wiser you become. The closer to 70, you'll be childish."
~ Unknown

"At the age of 50 everyone has the face he deserves."
~ George Orwell

"For me, age is always 20 years older than me."

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