วันพุธที่ 23 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2552

Am I Addicted To My Relationship?

We all want love. We all want to be needed, cherished and maintained. We also want
Giving love and care for others. Sometimes this desire for a romantic relationship is
is unhealthy, even poisonous. How do we know if our longing for happiness
to have all-consuming, addictive? And if we are aware of the addictive
Nature of the relationship, what we do?

Are You Addicted To Your Relationship?
Relations can act in the same way asDrugs and alcohol. We can
Relationships make us happy and fill the emptiness we feel in our lives. If your
Physically or emotionally abusive relationship, but you are constantly
try, your partner, no matter what, please, this is a clear addiction. If your
Relationship is not abusive, but you can plan your life around
Your partner, you can co-dependent and addicted to your relationship.

Courtney * (not her real name) was with herFriend for two years. It was a
Whirlwind romance and she thought she had found her soul mate. Six months after
the relationship, she found herself feeling and in fear of the loss of
Relationship. In therapy, she could see that she was hard to please her
charming friend. Over time, he had the control was, and they
constantly trying to please him. He was the barometer of their spirits. As always, he
felt himself to her and share her mood for the day. You no longerchoice
about how her day would go, he wanted to. Courtney continued her boyfriend in the first place
and lost sight of their own individual goals.

Put Your Relationship First You Do?
Courtney felt more depressed, and their other relationships and working
suffered. She was so nice out that her boyfriend, she forgot her focused
own needs. Courtney is required to review their goals and their lives. What does this
Relationship to bring them? Did it enrich their lives, what they feelbe more support?
Courtney realized that her friend was a top priority, and she had her self-hands
Respect to him. He was under control.

What now?
Courtney saw how dangerous this addiction grew. With addictive
Relationships such as these, we must recognize what is happening and then look
How to recover. This does not always mean the release of the relationship. Sometimes it is
means that we work on ourselves. We often need professional help
asunresolved issues of childhood have to do a lot to do with our present
Relations. Our past is a powerful and we often reenact our family of origin issues.
Courtney began to create the link. Her father was an alcoholic and control of these
Relationship with her boyfriend was familiar. Working on their past and clarify their
Goals began to work towards healing. Courtney began to set appropriate limits
her boyfriend and took the time to focus on themselves and their goals. Her depression
startedto lift and put yourself first.

Relationships are beautiful. You can send us see life through different eyes. They
can also be exhilarating, like all drugs or alcohol. It is important to strike
Balance, and always your top priority.

Related : ทำบุญวันเกิด charlotterhogsett.blogspot.com sabrinacatli.blogspot.com

